If I Could....I Would...Fly Away With You

"A man can't ride your back unless it's bent." - Martin Luther King

360 posts. That's my mission. Even if I write a sentence; I want to put it down on the page.

People have had such high expectations from me...and I've had to realize that I can't attain to them all...or to everyone. That is why, today, November 14, I'm living for me. I'm going to be real. I'm going to decide on what is truly important...what I need to do to get on by and to be with friends who truly love me for me.

If there's one thing I've learned in my 3rd year of university it is: I'm not perfect. There's a reason why those who have expected me to be perfect are not a part of my life anymore.

Besides the negative, I want this blog to be about life. About love, joy, the laughs, the cries, the fights, the making up....: in other words: about my journey through this roller-coaster called life.

I think I'm ready for it. for all of this....

So, Let's.......Get.....To It....
With love,


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